Today was tough, but good. I didn't want to work out. In order to stop myself from making excuses, and backing out, I employed exactly the same tactics I advise clients to practise; I didn't look ahead at the workout, so I couldn't make excuses as to why it didn't fit my programme, or some other nonsense, I booked on so I couldn't back out, and I put it in my schedule for the day as an immovable commitment, even though I had a lot of jobs to do. I did the 5:30pm class at CrossFit Napalm, because waiting for 6:30 gave me more chance to back out.
12 Min AMRAP You Go, I Go:
8 Calorie Echo Bike
6 Double Dumbbell Devil's Press 2x15kg
6 Double Dumbbell Lunges 2x15kg
My partner and I got 12 rounds (6 each) + a few calories of his 7th round.
4 Minute Rest
12 Min AMRAP You Go, I Go:
8 Calorie Ski Erg
5 Clean & Jerks 60kg
8 Burpees over Bar
We got 8 rounds and my partner was 3 reps into the clean & jerks on his 5th round
4 Minute Rest
12 Min AMRAP You Go, I Go:
30 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar
10 Thrusters 40kg
We managed 10 rounds and a handful of skips.
This was a brutal session. High intensity, short bursts of work, interspersed with similarly short periods of recovery is not my forte. I'm just about fit enough to make it hurt, but also lack enough fitness to die off! That said, despite my feeling faint and weak for well over an hour afterwards, I did get a lot from this workout, and really enjoyed the chance to throw down with a great partner. There's nothing quite like a motivated human to whom you're accountable to stop you pissing and moaning!
Really grateful to have received my Slant Board today! I had a quick test drive before flying out of the door, and one of my clients gave it a whirl too! First impressions are that this is a fantastic bit of kit. Very well made, and the non-slip coating is on the money! For the price these go for, I really can't complain! By clicking the image below to grab yours, you can help me out!
Breakfast today was at 7:15am and consisted of 2 rashers of bacon, 2 very large fried eggs, a handful of berries and some smoke salmon.
At around 3:30pm I had 2 large salmon fillets.
At 4:30pm I had cold meatballs and a chocolate egg (the small Lindt ones).
At 6:50pm I had a Natural bar - I can't recall the brand exactly, but it was crap masquerading as health food, I just needed something having over caffeinated, and forgotten my fruit before a brutal workout!
At 7:15pm I had 3 shots of dried fruit. Again, far from ideal, but I needed these to be safe to continue my drive home.
At 8pm I had around 400g of mince with grated Red Leicester.