Today did not go according to plan. Training was supposed to be a run - that did not happen. Food was supposed to be spot on - that did not happen either. Either way, the details are laid out below, starting with my training which was at around 5:30pm.
7 Min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 22.5kg
6 Rounds exactly
This was a super quick workout, with no warm-up as I finished work for the day. I was a very physically active day anyway, and I was plenty warm enough. This was just enough of a dose of intensity to feel like I'd done something productive. I'm fully aware the training value of this was far more psychological than physiological.
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Breakfast at around 8am was bacon, scrambled eggs and blueberries.
For lunch, I had a plan to eat at my favourite coffee shop, where I was going to have bacon, halloumi and eggs. I missed opening hours, so I ended up with a pastie, some pre-packed cheese and a peperami. Not ideal at all, but it did the job!
At 5pm I had a Grenade bar.
At 9pm I had lamb mince topped with cheddar, followed by grapes, blueberries and yoghurt with honey.
Although today was far from ideal, I stuck to the key points - train somehow regardless, and eat well most of the time. Rather than let the fading light beat me entirely, I chose a short workout that required minimum set-up so I had no reason not to move, and committed to movements that yesterday's workout wouldn't restrict too much. With regards to food, I ate poorly through lack of planning, so rather than dwell on it, I just made sure to eat well again at the next meal.