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Writer's pictureTom Hunt

Physical Freedom 142/365 - 20220601

Today was a mixed bag. Training went well, but my back tweaked in the process. Full story to follow, but all the details are from the 6:30pm class at CrossFit Napalm.

Back Squat

6x4 140kg - I only did 3 full sets. On the 4th, I felt movement in my SI joint. I tried again a couple of minutes later, but there was discomfort even unracking the weight.

Front Squat

6x4 80kg - this should have been at around 110-115kg, but I played it safe. Front rack was more comfortable - more stacked spine due to more upright torso, but I could still feel something off.

8 Minute AMRAP:

8 Calorie Echo Bike

2 Wall Walks

9 rounds plus 1 calorie. I paced this on the wall walks. I could feel if I let my midline sag, it would hurt. That was probably a blessing in disguise, because I suck at wall walks, and this forced me not to get sloppy under fatigue.

8 Minute AMRAP:

2 Devil's Press 2x15kg*

6 Box overs 24"

*Add 2 reps per round

I completed the round of 12, and a further 6 Devil's Press. Again, I paced the devil's press here because if I slightly overextended overhead, I could feel discomfort. Yet again this was a good thing. It made me acutely aware of my positions.


I started at 6:30am with 3 rashers of bacon, some berries and 3 scrambled eggs.

At 11am I had an orange

At 12:30pm I had mince and cheese, followed by another orange

At 4pm I had an orange

At 8:30pm I had 2 small steaks, some liver, a kidney and some halloumi with a small lump of cheddar, followed by berries, yoghurt and honey.

I haven't weighed myself for a good while. Tomorrow I intend to. While my fitness and strength are still on the rise, I feel flabby around the middle. I've been pretty lean for the last 3-4 months, so this is out of the ordinary. It means something needs addressing, likely between my portion sizes, and my non-exercise activity. I'm back to taking check-in pictures, so in a few weeks I'll do a comparison, and maybe weigh in periodically too. It's nothing to be hung up on, but definitely something I need to be aware of, and monitor.


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