I woke up this morning feeling like I'd had the shit kicked out of me while I slept. I've not felt this sore from training in several weeks, so it was a nice reminder that I do have limits! This slightly changed my plans for the day, but not too much. My intent changed more than my planned training structure; move for quality, longer rest periods, slightly lower volume. I trained in my garden at 2pm.
Remember the way I train is based on a set of principles. I use those principles to write a programme that runs 6 days every week, with full scaling options, substitute exercises, and plenty of grunt work! At only £10 per month, it makes sense to achieve new levels of Physical Freedom. Click the image below to join now.
3 Rounds:
3 Strict Muscle-Ups
5 Sandbag Jefferson Curls 40kg
3 Sandbag Squats With 5 Second Pause in Bottom 40kg
3 Rounds:
10 Single Arm Ring Rows per Arm
3 Sandbag Cossack Squats per Leg 40kg
3 Sets
10 Second Behind the Neck Pull-Up Hold
2 critical pieces today; my gymnastics rings and my sandbag. Both easily transported and used on the go or, in my case, at home for a minimalist workout. Click to buy your own, and use TH5 for discount!
I had breakfast at 10am. It was 4 rashers of bacon, 4 scrambled eggs and a handful of berries. I'm on blueberries and blackberries at the moment, and really enjoying them both!
At 2pm I had 500g of lamb mince with cheese. Lamb was a real change from beef, and I loved the extra flavour.
At 8pm I had slow cooked lamb neck fillet, such a tender cut, with two small jacket sweet potatoes and a block of Manchego cheese - this stuff is so addictive!