Back to training and back to eating well; today has been productive and on target, and I feel good for it! Sometimes it's tough getting back to routine after deviating, whether for good or not so good reasons, but fortunately, today has gone as smoothly as I could have hoped for. I trained at around 3:45pm at my gym.
5 Rounds for Time:
Run 400m
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Wearing a 9kg weight vest
I went at around 80% intensity here. The goal was much more to get some work in, get some blood flowing, and accumulate necessary volume than to push myself. This was just the ticket. I got a little quicker each round without pushing, and felt strong throughout. It's nice to know this volume of work is comfortable in the weight vest at this stage of training.
Two vital bits of kit today; my vest and my folding power rack. Both are below. You can click the images to view and buy through my link, and use TH5 to save!
Back to a standard 7am breakfast of 3 rashers of bacon, 3 scrambled eggs and some blueberries.
2pm was lunchtime, and I had 400g of mince with a very small amount of cheddar.
At 5:30pm I had 3 small slices of sourdough toast with butter - remember yesterday's bread? This was to save throwing any away.
I plan on eating my evening meal at around 8pm which will be a large sirloin steak, some sweet potato wedges and a fried egg, followed by fruit, yoghurt and honey.