All over the place work-wise, location wise and timing-wise today. I managed to get in a great session though, so I'm really chuffed!
Zottman Curls
Not a movement I have tried before, although I have prescribed it a few times. These burned fast!
3x10, 10kg
ATG Shoulder Press
3x10, 15kg
I use these a LOT! They have started to improve my shoulder health and pressing strength after only a couple of months. This is the heaviest I have been on them, and they felt strong.
Tricep Rollbacks
3x10, 15kg
A great movement for developing lockout. I've come back to these to sort those soft jerk and snatch elbows!
Trap 3 Raises
3x10, 5kg
A relatively new addition to my regime, these are a good alternative to band YTWs, and really help scapular retraction.
3 Rounds:
Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press 2x5/5 with non-working arm at lockout 25kg
Chest Pullover 20kg
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Snatch
70, 75x2, 80x2kg
2x1 85kg
Food today was very good at lunch, not so much this evening. I had a steak, a lamb neck fillet, 2 fried eggs and a couple of tomatoes for lunch. This evening I had sausage, mash and Yorkshire pudding with vegetables and gravy. This was the best of a bad bunch of offerings, but it will do the job!
I weighed myself earlier to see where I sit some 17 days out from the British Championships. I need to be under 89kg. I weighed 88.9kg, so I'm happy with how things are looking. No need for adjustments or alterations.