Days like today happen. One of those days where plans don't quite come together, best intentions get left in the rearview mirror, and you cobble together what you can from the day. In the interests of transparency and accountability, I'll lay it out as accurately as I can for you. I trained briefly at 12pm (lifting), on a class at CrossFit Napalm at 6:30pm, and randomly in between to accumulate my pull-ups and push-ups.
1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch
I used this as a warm-up routine, and built to 70kg
8x1 at 80% - 80kg
12 Min AMRAP in a Pair:
20 Calorie Row
20 Pull-Ups
20 D-Ball to Shoulder 30kg
20 D-Ball Squats 30kg
All reps split evenly. 4 Rounds + 7 Cal Row
12 Min AMRAP in a Pair:
20 Cal Ski
20 Power Snatch 60kg
20 Overhead Squat 60kg
10 Synchronised Bar Facing Burpees
All reps split evenly. 3 Rounds + 8 Power Snatches
12 Min AMRAP in a Pair:
20 Cal Echo Bike
30 Wallballs 9kg, 10'
20 Alternating Devil's Press 22.5kg
20 Box Jump Overs 24"
2 Rounds + 16 Devil's Press
There was a 4 minute break between each AMRAP. I really enjoyed this, and after almost 3 hours stuck in the car, it was exactly what I needed. It's been a while since I did a partner workout, and that definitely added to the enjoyment!
Pull-Ups and Push-Ups
50 Pull-Ups + 80 Push-Ups Throughout the day in tens and twenties respectively. I should have done more today, but it wasn't to be.
Managed to snag a Bulldog Gear barbell to snatch with. It makes all the difference, and I always grab one of these if there's chance. Click the image to view and buy, use TH5 to save!
It started well! At 7am I had 4 rashers of bacon, 3 scrambled eggs and a handful of mixed berries.
At midday I had a pack of meatballs, a Perperami, 2 boiled eggs and a flapjack.
During an epic drive home, although I can't recall times or with any real accuracy what I had, I ate 2 protein bars, a caramel shortcake and 3 peanut butter cups. I could go into a long list of excuses, but that's all they would be. A lack of preparation left me caught short, and this was the result.
I had my evening meal at 8:30pm, which was 2 salmon fillets and 5 scrambled eggs, followed by mixed berries in yoghurt with manuka honey.