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Physical Freedom 128/365 - 20220518

I like to think of myself as a man of principles and values and, when the shit hits the fan, that I'd make my decisions based on these principles and values come what may. But don't we all? The truth is though that it's far harder to act on those values you espouse when the going is good once there's a challenge to face. It's my current working philosophy that the gap between the values you aspire to, and the standard you meet daily is your sense of having fulfilled your purpose; the closer you are to your own ideals, the more purposeful you feel you life [or any given period of it] to be.

After a shit day, I decided the antidote was to train. This wasn't an easy choice, I really didn't want to, and I had a fair few decent reasons why I didn't have time. Realising that training was the right thing to do, I was then left with two choices; train on my own and do whatever I wanted (read - could be arsed to do), or book a class and get pushed without having to think. I chose the latter, and trained on the 6:30pm class at Napalm.

(11:30am-1pm) 6 Mile Weighted March

Carrying 17kg (35lbs)

This was more an inconvenience than training. Just something I had to take as a session for the army. It would certainly have burned some energy, especially in the heat, but the training value was likely negligible.

Back Squat

20 Rep Max - 110kg. There was probably 5, or even 10 at a push more kg in the tank, but this did what I needed it to do for today.

Back Squat

5x3 145kg. These felt decent. I did the first set beltless, which is probably some kind of record.

4 Rounds for Time:

Run 400m

21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 40kg

15 Push Press 40kg

9 Toes to Bar


This was hard. I made it hard by pushing. Weirdly I wanted this to hurt. It was an ideal workout for me to hurt on because I had nowhere to hide.


Back to basics tomorrow at work, which means back to my favourite gym purchase ever! If you want your own, click the image and use TH5 to save!


At 7am I had 3 rashers of bacon, 3 fried eggs and some berries.

At 2pm I had a salami and cheese deli pack, olives and feta, and a Lindt chocolate bar.

At 6pm I had a pack of goji berries.

At 8pm I had 3 sachets of dried fruit.

At 8:45pm I had a sirloin steak, a jacket sweet potato and some Manchego and Cheddar cheese. I followed this with berries, Greek yoghurt and Manuka honey.


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