I'll keep today's entry short. Not because I don't have lots to share, quite the opposite, but rather because today has been a series of hiccups that have cost me a great deal of time, and I'm still trying to catch up. Hopefully I'll be able to get my messages across in the next few days.
I trained twice today, once at 3pm in my gym, and once on the 6pm class at CrossFit Napalm.
Neutral Grip Bench Press
5x3 70-90kg +20kg chains
Neutral Pendlay Row
3x8 50kg + band tension
3 Rounds
12 Tricep Rollbacks 30kg
10 Neutral Grip Bicep Curls 30kg
3 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Bench Press 35kg
5 Extra Wide `Pull-Ups
Handstand Skill Work
10 Minutes - this included 2 45 second holds, 1 straight legged, 1 split legged
Death By Muscle-Ups
Minute 1, 1 rep, minute 2, 2 reps etc until failure. I got to 4 strict, then failed after 4 reps of 7 kipping. I restarted at 2, to hit 2, 3 and 4 for the last 3 rounds.
Death by Handstand Push-Ups
Since these aren't great for me, and my shoulders were fried, I opted for standard kipping reps. I completed the ten minutes as prescribed.
4 Rounds for Time:
Run 400m
30 Air Squats
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 40kg
10 Box Jump Overs 24"
I was pretty happy with this workout. My back seized up on round 3, but I figured if I kept good mechanics, I could ease it off after I finished. It did slow me down considerably on the run, but this maybe only cost me 20-30 seconds overall.
I did almost everything today with my Bulldog Gear Multi Grip Bar. Click the image to grab yours, and use TH5 to save!
At 8am I had 3 rashers of bacon, 3 fried eggs and some berries.
At 1pm I had mince and cheese. I followed this with an orange.
At 8pm I had a sirloin steak, 3 rump steak kebabs with black pepper and garlic, some liver, a kidney and some gouda and cheddar on the side. This was a great meal and really cheered me up!
I did my butcher's shop today, so I'm looking forward to some fantastic meals over the next week or so. There's plenty of mince though so not much is changing really!