Today was competition day! I've been looking forward to this for ages, and it pretty much delivered! The workouts were spaced between around 9:30am and 3pm. I'm not even going to attempt to do food in the blog today, but it was almost entirely beige carbs!
All workouts as a mixed sex pair
Workout 1
For Time:
40 Thrusters 42.5kg
10 Synchro Burpees
30 Thrusters
10 Synchro Burpees
20 Thrusters
10 Synchro Burpees
10 Synchro Thrusters
10 Synchro Burpees
We got roughly 6:40, but the scoreboard has been deleted so who really knows?
Workout 2
10 Minute AMRAP:
You Go I Go - Alternating Rounds
30 Double Unders
10 Box Jump Overs 24"
10 Toes to Bar
We got 7 complete rounds and my partner got about 4 toes to bar in her 4th (our 8th) round.
Workout 3
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
Find Max in a ten minute window, split between both lifters
I managed 95kg. A couple of very close attempts at the 100kg snatch but couldn't quite hold it. Very chuffed with this, and we actually won the workout.
Workout 4
For Time:
Cleans 70kg Split Anyhow
Single Arm Devil's Press 22.5kg Synchro
Pull-Ups (Chest to Bar for 9's) Split Anyhow.
In the remaining time until 12 minutes, max power cleans.
We managed 65 cleans after completing the prescribed work. This was by far my favourite workout today.
Workout 5
6 Minute AMRAP:
Echo Bike Calories
Partner Holds D-Ball - 5 cleans split anyhow on each change
We managed 106 calories. We actually completed this before WOD 4 as you could choose your time for this one. It was fun, and I think we gamed it well.
This was my first competition in around 3 years. I absolutely loved it! A couple of things could be improved by the organisers, such as safety on the rig, and actually publishing final scores, but overall I was impressed by the job they did, and how smoothly they ran the event. The judging was first rate too, which I always admire. India, my partner, more than held her own and seemed to love it too, which made me even happier. I got to catch up with several of my friends, and the weather was great to boot. I can't wait to do it again! Now though, bath time!