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Writer's pictureTom Hunt

Physical Freedom 100/365 - 20220413

My 100th (almost) consecutive blog! I'm pretty chuffed with that. There are, however, a couple of things I want to clarify before I rattle off the day's results. Firstly, I started this blog for two clear, albeit distinctly different, reasons. The first, which is selfishly motivated, is to have accountability. I don't really need accountability through an external source, such as a coach, or an app, to thrive, just to myself. This blog is far from popular, so that's pretty much all it is anyway. The second reason, more altruistically motivated, is to attempt to show people that perfectly average humans (me) can, through very simple practises and using basic tools, exceed the 99% in almost any given domain. The latter still requires some work because, despite being conscientious with my blog-writing efforts, I haven't really pushed it too much. Maybe there would be some value to that. Maybe I should. Maybe you could share it to get the ball rolling? Either way, I have another 265 of these to write, so less self-congratulatory drivel, more accountability. I got my push-ups and pull-ups in throughout the day, and then hit the 6:30pm class at CrossFit Napalm - one of their infamous sweat classes!

Pull-Ups and Push-Ups

Accumulate 50 and 100 respectively

I mixed my grip up on the pull-ups today, switching width each set of 10. For the push-ups I just worked on hard, fast sets of 20.

12 Minute AMRAP:

15 Double Unders

10 Pull-Ups

2 Double Dumbbell Clusters 2x22.5kg*

*Add 2 reps each round

I completed the round of 12, and then all ten pull-ups of the next round.

12 Minute AMRAP:

Burpee D-Ball Over Box Jump Overs 40kg, 48"

*Run 200m at the start of every 3 minutes.

These are literally as they sound - perform a burpee, throw a ball over 2 boxes, then follow the ball.

I scored 41 reps.

12 Minute AMRAP:

Echo Bike Calories

*After 2,4,6,8,10 minutes, jump off and perform 15 Wallballs 9kg, 10' and 15 Push-Ups

I scored 114 calories

There was a 4 minute turnaround between each workout.

I loved this. This is my kind of workout; grunt work with very little thought or tactical consideration required. I held back on the first workout somewhat to allow myself to push hard on the next two. It worked. By the third workout I was able to really make it hurt!


Pull-ups back on my Bulldog Gear folding power rack today. This thing is the best bang for buck space saver possible. It does the lot! Click the image to buy, use TH5 to save!


Today was almost identical to yesterday - which I'm fine with since it was bloody good!

I had breakfast just after 7am, which was 2 bacon rashers, some smoked trout and 3 scrambled eggs, today with half a large avocado added.

For lunch I had 400g of mince, with cheese. A couple of people have asked, so the mince I'm currently working through is the grass fed lean mince from Lidl. Why? Because it was on the 30% off deal I mentioned a couple of days back. I bought 6 packs, and froze them. I eat a full pack, hence knowing the weight.

At 8:15pm I had halloumi, a 3 egg omelette with cheese and a sirloin steak. I followed this with berries and honey, purely because I ran out of yoghurt and forgot!


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